Saturday, March 10, 2012

James & Dave

Despite the fullness of my schedule with all that is residency, the time set aside for two non-medical, yet equally educational, studies has been so amazing in the past couple of months.  It's incredible how much of an impact a few hours a week can have.  When my eyes open in the morning my mind begins to ruminate on what I'm learning in these groups, and it can't help but spill out into the rest of my day.  I know the intent of any study is to learn something new and hopefully to have a lasting impact, but it is so beautiful when it works.  As I'm in clinic, driving around, delivering babies, or making supper little one-liners pop into my head and once in a while even fall out of my tongue.  "Don't show favortism" even when it's an uninsured, city-call patient.  "What would Dave say if you went out to eat... again?"  I'm so excited to share what I'm learning.

The first is a financial study Jason and I are going through with group of a few other young couples we've been getting together with on Sunday nights.  It. Is. Good!  If you're interested it is called Financial Peace University (or call it "FPU" if you want to sound cool) by the blunt Dave Ramsey.  Jason and I have always been in agreement to be "responsible" with our money, and we've listened to Dave on his radio show for years.  However, this has forced us to take it to the next level, fight about where each dollar is going, and, literally, put our money where our mouth is when it comes to our goals and priorities.  If tithing is a priority, how did we "forget" last month?  If being debt free is more important than a tan, why are we planning a cruise?  It's like exercise: time-consuming, uncomfortable, and slow; but worth it.

The other is a group of women I'm starting to meet on Monday nights for Bible study.  Right now we are going through the book of James (as taught by Beth Moore).  If you think Dave Ramsey is blunt, to the point, and in your face, put on your thick skin for James!  I'm being rocked by his teachings, but I'm also remembering how cool this whole entire book is!  Genesis to Revelation.  It has given me boat load of humility (which I need), but also a renewed awe and hunger for real wisdom.  It's that wierd paradigm in which you fill a void, but at the same time realize that the void is bigger than you thought.  One answer leads to ten more questions.  Like when I eat ice-cream it makes me want to eat more ice-cream.  I get full and more hungry at the same time.

Now that I'm off topic and craving chocolate chip cookie dough, my point was going to be to introduce you to my two new friends: James and Dave.

1 comment:

  1. I agree… Dave is a great new friend.. I only wish we'd meet him sooner Susan! Glad you and Jason are enjoying it also. So glad for both these new friends in your life! Thankful our amazing God can guide each and every circumstance. Hugs… jackie
