Thursday, September 8, 2011


HPI:  In non-medical words, here's what has been plaguing me for the last week:
   Day 0 - Hoarse  Friday - scratchy throat; uh oh, something's coming on
   Day 1 - Laryngitis  Saturday - lost my voice, and it wasn't just from yelling at the football game
   Day 2 - OD Conjunctivitis  Sunday - gunk draining out of my right eye.  Gross!
   Day 3 - Pharyngitis  Monday - couldn't even swallow my own spit because my throat hurt so bad
   Day 4 - Cough & Rhinorrhea  Tuesday - almost threw up I was coughing so hard, and I had Kleenex shoved up my nose because that was easier than constantly blowing it to contain the drainage
   Day 5 - +f/c  Wednesday - fever and chills and it's definitely not hot flashes
   Day 6 - Unilateral maxillary dental pain & facial pressure  Today - seriously?! now my sinuses, can't I catch a break.  I couldn't even enjoy the first time Griffin slept through the night.

Dx: Viral URI complicated by Bacterial Sinusitis  a.k.a. I feel like crap and have for too long

Txt: Abx & symptomatic txt  Jason's picking up the boys from daycare so I can have my own nap time after orientation, and it's probably time for some antibiotics even though I'm usually the antibiotic nazi. My typical line is: "It's just a virus, Jason.  Take some Tylenol and do a sinus wash."
F/U: PRN  In other words, I hope this goes away soon so no one has to hear me whine anymore!

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