Friday, September 16, 2011

Back to Work

Back to reality.  September 6th marked my official start to working here in Grand Island.  (Isn't it hard to believe that the summer is over?  Wow!  I still find myself thinking it's August.  Are we really halfway through September?)  These past two weeks have been mostly orienting to the hospital and clinic and welcome reception after welcome reception after welcome reception.  They are very welcoming here.  Last night was our last shindig, and Monday I will start actually seeing my own patients in clinic and taking a shift in the Emergency Room.  I'm itching to get going.

Not only was the 6th my first day of work, it was also the boys' first day of daycare.  Ever.  I'm sure it's no surprise, but I was more of a mess that morning than they were.  I did manage to keep it to a minimum with just a few silent tears slipping down my cheeks and a couple of "they will be okay,"  "it will be okay," self-affirmations running through my mind.  Owen was a little less quiet in his display of dislike for change, but according to report he quickly got over it when enticed with playing ball outside.  

In Omaha, we were so blessed to have awesome family and great friends watch Owen during the day, and although we will miss that, our setup here has plenty of its own advantages.

Getting into the Saint Francis Daycare was another working of God.  They have a loooooong waiting list, so when we got on the list in February they were sure we wouldn't get in by September.  Craziness.  It seemed like we were signing up for some exclusive country club or Packers' season tickets - definitely not a daycare.  At the same time, it made us want it even more.  If everyone else wants in, it must be as good as they say, and I want it, too.  As the months passed with little progress moving up the list, we made other arrangements for the boys.  (Thanks, Heather!)  But then, in the nick of time, reminiscent of our house, I got the call.  It was like the clouds parted again, a bright yellow beam of radiant light came down onto my head, and a collective "aaahhh" sang out from heaven.  We were in.  It was too perfect.  How much more evidence could we get that He will provide more than enough?

Now the boys are 5 minutes from our house and an elevator ride away from my clinic.  I've already spent part of a lunch break in the nursery holding Griffin, and I've peaked out the break room window four stories up to see Owen playing out in the yard.  Not too bad if you ask me!  

I think I'm going to like it out here, and I think they (speaking of those precious boys in red pictured below) will, too.


  1. glad to hear that you are getting a chance to get down there and snuggle Griffin, hope you are feeling better by now too!

  2. what an amazing blessing of this care for your boys!!! what an adventure you are on! God bless and guide... hope we get to hang to gether soon! crazy busyness!
