Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I guess you could say that we are always up for a challenge.  Last weekend was the Zlomke family campout, and we didn't want to miss it... again.  So we hauled a car load of stuff, our two boys, and a tent to Fort Kearney for the weekend.

We may be up for a challenge, but we aren't totally nuts.  Instead of the Thursday through Sunday extravaganza for some, we came just for the Saturday and Sunday.  Trust me, that was plenty.  We had a blast, but we were EXHAUSTED by Sunday afternoon.  So exhausted that we ALL took a 4 hour nap when we got home!

G waking up bright and early in the tent.
Here are some highlights from the trip:
  • Staying up most of Friday night to make Grandma's cinnamon rolls to take for breakfast.  Thankfully, Jason talked me into making a double batch because one whole pan burned.  We still had plenty.
  • Jogging with my dad Sunday morning.
  • Watching 83-ish year old Papa throw Owen up in the air.  I'm pretty sure one more toss and they both would have ended up in the ER.  One with a broken arm, and the other a broken hip.
  • Griffin having a blow-out diaper in the pack-n-play during dinner.  That's what I get for pushing the apple juice (even if it was watered down) to keep him hydrated.
  • Dad's awesome pork chops and Jaekeun's Korean food.
  • Walking to the Platte River.
  • The plethora of bean side dishes at the Litchfield potluck dinner.
  • Driving around Saturday afternoon, just so the boys could have some sort of a nap (and so I could get out of an hour reading historical markers at the actual Fort Kearney).
  • Griffin finally realizing that swimming is fun.
  • The boys each taking a shower in Dad's camper.  If you've ever been in a camper bathroom, imagine it with me, Jason, Owen, and Griffin with a lot of crying and a lot of soap.  At least they were clean in the end.  And Owen was proud to have taken a "shower" instead of a bath.
  • Owen's huge eyes when he went to bed in the tent repeatedly saying "I not scared."
  • Penny the puppy.


  1. Here's another challenge: winter camping. Although, I'd say that's much harder on mom than on the young boys! Sounds like you guys had fun, it's good for our kids to experience the great outdoors.

  2. Susan, I am so glad you guys made it. I know what a challenge and how much WORK it was with two little ones. It was GREAT seeing all of you!! Oh, I had to laugh at the end when you mentioned "Penny, the puppy". Simply stated. But oh so true.
