Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It isn't for a lack of things to write about, it's more because of a lack of time to write about such things.  And then, once I get behind on sharing all of my happenings, I don't know where to start.  Now, however, I have a brief, free, quiet lunch hour with  just me and the computer.  So, here's a couple of quick tidbits of the last few weeks.  You'll have to bug me later if you want all the details, because I'd love to share when there's a little more time.
  • AEDs work in real life like they do during ACLS training.
  • We waited 7 years to see Blue Man group, and got to do it on someone else's dime.  (Thanks Family Practice of G.I.!)
  • I'm glad that cardiac stress tests can be normal and reassuring.
  • Pink eye has almost run its course.
  • To my surprise Griffin didn't pee on the ultrasound tech.  (But not surprised that we'll probably be talking about surgery when we meet with the Urologists at UNMC next month.)
  • We've almost met our health insurance deductible already.  Yep, it's only January.
  • Jason was in a rare, 1-hour, "shopping mood" last week.
  • I found a Beth Moore study again.  Yeah!!  So excited.
  • The passenger side door on the Buick is fixed.
  • Owen pooped on the potty... only once... and he peed all over the floor and on my leg before that.
  • I still love holding up a wet, bloody, vernix-y, wrinkly, freshly born baby and saying "Congratulations!"
  • Now, I'm off to clinic.

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