Sunday, January 8, 2012

It Poured

The saying goes: "When it rains, it pours."  And it was Pouring last week - with a capital P.

Sunday.  Our punishment for having fun on New Year's eve and not putting the boys to bed at their usual bedtime - or even within a few hours of their usual bedtime.

Monday.  The Huskers "played."  (I actually picked them to lose in the bowl pool, so I guess it wasn't all bad.  Especially considering I'm cleaning house in that bowl pool.  #1, baby!  And, not too rub salt in his wounds, but guess who's at the bottom of the boards... hee, hee <insert evil laugh>.)  

Tuesday.  You heard all about that already, and Griffin's doing just fine now if you're wondering.  I didn't get to post this picture before because it was on Jason's phone, but now I just can't resist.
(That's an IV in his head, and half of a cup decorated with a Thomas
the train sticker covering it to protect it from curious fingers.)

Wednesday.  Home with a sick baby.  6 months to go, and already almost out of sick days.

Thursday.  Be ready.  Here's the kicker.  I was minding my own business at OB clinic when my phone buzzed Thursday morning.  I usually don't hear my phone in the middle of the day, and if I do, I don't usually answer it.  But for some reason, my curiosity with this unknown number got to me, and I answered it.  It was my bank.  My bank? "Are you missing your debit card?"  Crap!  I've haven't been able to find my wallet since before Christmas.  I thought, for sure, it was at the bottom of Owen's toy box, or under the bed, or in a purse, or buried in our junk drawer, or tucked up under the seat in the car.  I just didn't bother to look too hard for it because I knew if I couldn't find it then, I would panic.  Guess I should have been panicking.  "An officer from the Hastings police department called and reported that he found your card in someone else's possession this morning," the banker informed me.  Double Crap!!  That yucky, violated, angry, embarrassed, sick feeling filled my stomach.  Argh.  To make a long story short, it could have been a lot worse.  It took all of a few minutes to freeze all of my bank accounts and credit reports.  Then it took a few hours to file the police report.  So far, our bank accounts and my credit report seem intact.  My eye will be on it closely to keep it that way.  All it all it was another hit to my pride, already aching from Tuesday, and another terrible event in an already terrible week.

Friday.  4:20-AM C-section to start the day.

Saturday.  All day I felt like the weather.  Not hot.  Not cold.  No rain.  No sun.  Just cloudy and dreary.

Sunday.  Today.  Thankfully, I've made it through today unscathed... so far.  Hopefully, this is the start to a much better week.

1 comment:

  1. Susan, I love reading your blog. Just had to tell you that first off. So glad your little guy is feeling better.. what a scare! You have been dealt with your fair share of hurdles this past week. Here's to a better week!! Hope you definitely get a bit more sleep and everyone is healthy!
