Saturday, December 10, 2011

Great Weekend

It's going to be a great weekend.  I can just feel it.  It's 7-AM.  I've already been at the hospital for two hours, and what little sleep I had last night was fragmented by my pager (thanks, Dr. McGahan, for the 4-AM "oops, I guess this is a VA patient" wake up call) and a baby who decided this week he no longer was going to sleep through the night.  Still, for some odd reason, I'm feeling good.  Energized.  Excited.  (It could also be the Keurig coffee and chocolate chip chocolate muffin I'm enjoying for "breakfast" from the doctor's lounge.)  It's going to be a great weekend!

Honestly, I'm actually thankful for going to work this morning.  For one, it got me out of bed (and being a morning person, sleeping in really doesn't do me any favors regardless of how restless the night was).  And for two, the patients I admitted overnight were interesting cases, and yet I felt confident in my ability to manage them.  What a great feeling.  It makes me realize how much I've learned, how much I know, how much I enjoy my job, and that maybe isn't so scary to be almost halfway done with residency.

As enjoyable as working was last night, it's going to be a great weekend for a lot more reasons.  The agenda is actually quite full.  My baby O is turning two next week so we are celebrating the momentous occasion tomorrow.  You all know that the few hours of party requires a few days of cleaning, shopping, decorating, and planning - all of which I'm hoping to cram in today.  It's not even going to be a big party - just family, but I love birthdays so much that I will probably go a little overboard.  Don't worry, pictures of the super-cute train cake I'm attempting to make myself will be coming soon.

See.  It's going to be a great weekend!

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