Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Tomorrow our dining room will be a little less colorfully decorated, there will no longer be an excuse to eat ice-cream twice a day, and we'll slip back into our usual routines.  But it was definitely fun while it lasted.  A blast!

As promised, here are a few pics from the best birthday party a two year-old could have and one extra special birthday day spent with a blessed mom.

This is how you torture a kid - make him eat a banana for breakfast while staring at his birthday cake the morning of his party.

I'm pretty proud of my train birthday cake creation.  I stole the idea off the Internet, and, not to toot my own horn, it turned out pretty cool.

The party dinner was at Applebee's.  It really isn't normal how much he likes Applebee's, but it at least made the decision of where to eat pretty easy.

Yes, we had them sing to him so we, I mean, he could have free dessert.

Time for cake!

It was so much fun, that both boys crashed hard and fast.  We actually set Griffin in his crib while we put Owen to bed and came back a few minutes later to see him out like a light.

Two days between the party and the big December 13th was just enough time to get rested up.  He woke up bright and early on his birthday.  There was no sleeping in for me on my day of "vacation."  We dropped Griffin off at daycare, and instead of Owen taking his seat in the kitchen and chowing down on cereal and watching cartoons, he and I headed out for our fun-filled celebration day.

Outfit #1 bit the dust with syrup and ketchup stains.  You know it's a good breakfast with that combination!

After a wardrobe change, we checked out the library (pun intended).  I was very impressed, and Owen had a blast.  We came home with a Thomas the train book, a potty chair book (wishful thinking), and $1 less in my wallet to "replace" my library card from high school.

We are still working on the two finger thing.  Until he figures it out, I apologize if he holds up a random gang sign if you ask him how old he is.  And after outfit #3 ended up in the laundry pile, we decided to just go with the official attire - his "birthday suit" (plus a diaper, of course, and socks because it's pretty cold).


So, like I said, we had a blast.  Maybe me more than him.  When he's old (like in a week or two), he won't remember this.  But I will.  I always will.  And I had a blast with my little boy!  Happy Birthday, Owen.


  1. W.O.W! You should totally toot your horn over that cake, it looks amazing! Glad you guys had a fun filled day together :)
