Thursday, August 11, 2011

Step 3

I can finally enjoy my maternity leave now, or at least a little more.  Another big monkey is off my back.  Step 3, the two-day final exam in the series to get my medical license, is complete (and hopefully passed).

It may seem strange to take a test now, I know, in the middle of my "vacation," during the time when I am definitely not well rested, and when I haven't seen a real patient in 5 weeks.  But trust me, I didn't exactly plan it this way.  Actually, I wanted to take it way back in February, but it didn't worked out.  The next time available was the beginning of July, and, well, it was a good thing that I paid the $60 to reschedule for August because we all know what happened instead at the beginning of July.  With a deadline of August 31 and the best babysitter/Dad going back to work on August 12, there was no better time then right now.

We packed up the Buick and headed to Omaha Monday afternoon.  With intentions of leaving at 1:00 (Owen's nap time), it wasn't too bad when the clock read 1:27 as we backed out of the driveway.  But those were a not fun, chaotic, unorganized, where's-my-keys, where's-my-phone, and loud 27 extra minutes.  However, mission accomplished and Owen drifted off to sleep as we headed down the road.

A pit stop in Central City for Jason to complete some paperwork meant an extra hour added to the road trip, milkshakes from the all-too-convenient DQ, and Owen's nap ending way too early when he felt the car come to a stop.  The rest of the trip was full of whines and tears from two tired boys in the back seat, one-lane highway construction, and a "short cut" that ended us on our way to Fremont.  A little over 4 hours later, we made it.  It was seriously the longest Grand Island to Omaha trip ever.  EVER!

To think that I had eight hours of sitting in front of a computer the next day was unbearable, but I did get to bed at a decent time.  Because my husband is wonderful and knew that I needed to rest, other than feedings, Jason was in charge of Griffin all night, and he can tell you about "unbearable", too.

Bright and early the next morning I headed off with a few butterflies in my stomach, a bag full of way too many snacks (just in case), and a pump to keep Griffin's tummy happy when I got back.  Day 1 of Step 3 was underway.

During Diet Coke break #1, I faced the biggest dilemma of any working mom... where do I pump?  When I was pumping for Owen I hauled that thing just about anywhere I could find some privacy: on the floor of the ER bathroom, empty clinic exam rooms,  random hospital on-call rooms, my car, and even an airport bathroom.  Thank goodness for the battery pack and alcohol wipes.  Today, my choices were just as narrow: the public restroom or my car parked in the sun in the public parking lot.  Equally attractive options.

Some how I made it through the day, and then the next day.  It is finally over.  Studying for Step 3 is off of my To-Do list, and it's time to move on to something more fun... like painting the $15 dresser a picked up for Owen at a garage sale.

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