Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Future

We are not idle.  Something is always happening.  There are some big - I mean huge - fun things in the near future that we are working toward.  Some are lofty goals.  Others well earned achievements.  And, of course, some are just the exciting stuff of life.  It gives me anxious butterflies in my stomach thinking about the next few years.  Not the anxiety that comes out of fear but out of anticipation instead.  I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve, or like I'm climbing a mountain and the summit is just ahead.  I can't wait to unwrap the gift.  I can't wait to see the view.

In a little over a year I will finish residency.  Just a year.  That might seem like a while to some, but after being in school essentially my entire life a year is like a breath away.  In the last few months I've been looking at jobs and negotiating contracts.  It's seems surreal.  Soon enough my professional life will be wide open - free for me to shape and fulfill.  I'm looking forward to a clinic schedule filled with my own patients, delivering siblings and eventually grandchildren, going to bed at night knowing that I made a difference, and of course a 4 day work week.  Ooohh, it's coming.

Jason is also in an exciting point of his career.  He recently got a teaching position at a middle school in Grand Island, and, in case you missed it, he just graduated with his masters in Education Administration this spring.  If you know my husband, you know that it won't be long before he has climbed the ladder and is a principal, athletic director, or superintendent.  And he'll be great!

Nearly 20 years of combined post-high school education wasn't cheap.  Our lofty goal for the next two years is to be debt free.  In two years from yesterday, when Jason turns 30, we hope to mail our last student loan payment.  Forever.  It's a lofty goal for sure, so feel free to keep us accountable.  Actually, please do.  Even with a few sacrifices in the next two years, we are super excited for the view at the top of debt free mountain.

Lastly, with negotiating contracts that include (or don't include) maternity leave and watching Griffin grow from a helpless baby to a curious toddler, we can't help but think about what the future holds for our family.  Now before rumors fly, we are not pregnant nor are we trying.  But with my 2 or 3 or 5 year glasses on, I might be able to see another Baby Newman crawling around (and maybe in pink).

Isn't it exciting?!  I hope you can be excited with us.  We haven't been idle because we have so much to look forward to.  The work is worth it.  The process has been enjoyable.  The journey, rewarding.  Now the push for the finish.